After taking this class personally I feel that I have learned a lot about disasters and the best ways to be prepared and combat them to the best our abilities. I feel that the SRA students that have taken this class have a head start compared to everyone else that has not taken the Crisis Informatics class this semester. We have covered so many different disasters in the duration of the class as well as the best solutions to these disasters. Some of the disasters we have covered range from terrorist attacks to hurricanes and finally to earthquakes. The point is that no matter the natural disaster you must realize that in a sense these are all manmade because man has a way to either prevent or mitigate these disasters no matter what type they may be. I think that is one of the most important things that we learned in this entire class.
I think that this class was made up of most if not all SRA majors compared to IST majors. I actually believe that there was one geography major in the class and I think she was lucky to pick up this class because we have learned so much this semester about disaster response. If anyone is looking to really getting into the disaster response field this was defiantly the class to take. Most people in the Information Science and Technology major are getting a hold of the latest technology that the Penn State campus and money has to offer. I have learned of many technologies such as Analyst’s Notebook, Arc GIS, ACH diagrams, and the Extreme Events Lab here in the IST building that have given me a good basis of things that are to come one day in the intelligence field and/or the crisis management field.
One of the most effective solutions to natural disasters that I have learned from this class would have to include social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter. Twitter is the most visited topic that we have hit this semester and its effect it has on disaster relief. I need no go into detail on how it works because we have all been learning about it this semester. May I say as well that if you have not taken this class and you are reading this blog I highly suggest learning from some source or another how social networking effects disaster relief efforts.
Overall, I would have to say that the Security and Risk Analysis students have a leg up on the competition compared to any of the Information Science and Technology majors and any other majors because of all the perks and technology we are able to get our hands on and learn for free. I feel that I have chosen the perfect major for dealing with new technologies that may emerge in the near future and finding ways to implement them for crisis management. At the link below you can find a video describing the importance of crisis management: